Fall Is In The Air
Posted by Lynette Miller on
This week we are doing the chores that are the beginning of "putting things to bed" for the year.
It's always a little bittersweet to me at this time of year. We are glad for the pace to slow down a bit with outside work, like irrigating, (Bill is really ready to see this one go for the year), harvesting and 4H. However, we are entering into canning, drying and preparing for the holiday season.
We are giving all of the lavender a heavy shear job, to prepare for winter snow, and ultimately for new spring growth, and beautiful summer flowers. We all take turns with gas powered hedge trimmers, trimming each plant down to a tidy mound. It's really satisfying to see the finished field, even if our backs are sore!
We are putting the Rams in with their girls this week as well. I love this part of the year, thinking about next years lambs, trying to pick the best pairings of Rams and ewes. I always feel like the days are so full of potential, it's hard to wait until March when the lambs start showing up!