Winter on the Farm
Posted by Lynette Miller on

Happy Winter! It seems as though January has flown by, even if I have spent this month relaxing and catching up after the holiday season. Christmas week is always crazy here. My birthday is the 24th, Christmas the 25th, and Bill’s birthday is the 26th. This year was weird to say the least, but we still managed to spend some time with my dad, our kids and grandkids. Bill and I don’t typically buy each other Christmas gifts, but we do get each other birthday gifts. This year we had so much fun gifting our kids with bowls made from...
Christmas Caramel Corn
Posted by Lynette Miller on
2020 Christmas Lavender Gift Guide
Posted by Lynette Miller on

Changing seasons is good for the soul.
Posted by Lynette Miller on

Hi friends, It seems to be on everyone’s mind: from the natural seasons to the political arena. In the words of that very famous song: To everything (turn, turn, turn) There is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose, under heaven On our property we see the natural transition of the seasons, leaves are changing colors and starting to fall. Days are shorter and the nights are becoming longer. Our work has changed to prepare for winter, the season of cold and dark, and promise. Yes, promise. The short days and long nights make room for...
Posted by Lynette Miller on

Everyone needs it. Everyone wants it. Right now, hope is a little hard to come by on some days. I need to work harder and look closer to find it if I’m honest. I need to be more intentional about where my gaze is and where my thoughts are focused. I find I need to “return to the route” as my GPS is so fond of telling me, when I get off course or go adventuring down a side road. Therefore, I look around for reasons to hope. Currently, we have 2 nests of baby birds in our backyard with...